Photogenic Biology: Posers Need Not Apply defines photogenic as the following:
photogenic [foh-tuh-jen-ik] adjective 1.forming an attractive subject for photography or having features that look well in a photograph: a photogenic face. 2. Biology. producing or emitting light, as certain bacteria; luminiferous; phosphorescent. 3.Medicine/Medical. produced or caused by light, as a skin condition.
Ok, fine. I can get on board with the first definition. Good lookin' folks are photogenic. They have a natural beauty that requires no effort and we hate them for it (don't judge me, you know you feel the same way), but it's an undeniable fact, they are photogenic.
But have you Pinterested or Googled the word 'photogenic'? I have, and the results show the complete OPPOSITE of what I feel truly is. If you do an internet search on how to be more photogenic, you'll find topics that discuss everything from how to stand: where to place your tongue when you smile; even where to place your arms. By the way, it's often suggested to place your arms out by your side like a chicken wing. I feel like this often looks ridiculous, and I can say that because I'm pretty sure that I pose this way in every picture that's taken of me. In my opinion, none of these tips help us to be more photogenic.
I want to focus on the second definition of the word, the biology one. Producing or emitting light, as certain bacteria. For today's purposes we can get rid of the bacteria part. But as a photographer, I find that a person is most photogenic in the moments when they are able to completely let their guard down and they end up emitting the true, natural light inside them. It's that moment, even if it's only a brief one, when they forget that the photographer is there and where they show exactly who they are, rather than simply what they look like. This is the exact moment that I strive to capture. When we, as subjects, are worried about where to put our tongue, or at which perspective you should stand (straight to the camera? at an angle?), you keep your walls up and end up preventing that inner light from shining through, which I assume, the exact opposite of what you're looking for!
Sure, some of those tips can come in handy, but if you are the subject and you're focus is on those minute details, you're taking the focus away from sincerely enjoying yourself, which is what truly allows your natural beauty show. This is why it's so valuable to hire photographer, as they can help you to get into a comfortable, natural position where you can focus on enjoying your time with your loved ones rather than worrying about all of those other distractions.
The moral of this story is this: we are all photogenic, it's within each and every one of us. We all have areas that we're self conscious about and we ultimately just want to look our best, and it's natural for us to worry about this. But I urge you to try your absolutely hardest to focus on what's really important: that time with the ones you love. And when you allow yourself to do that, you will emit that light that is so bright within you. And that is that exact moment that I'll capture it.