No Days Off: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Mom
As moms, we tackle so many tasks throughout the course of one day. We work all day (at an office or at home); we run from practice for one child to a game for another; run kids in for ‘quick' doctors visits; regularly calm down hysterical kids; try to scramble to cook something for the family to eat for dinner...the list is never ending!
While that may not be the official definition of a mom, it is the life we lead Oh LAWD, how do we do it?! It is remarkable when you sit back and look at just how much we accomplish in a 24 hour period of time. Let alone in a week, a month, or in a lifetime.
Though we may be absolutely exhausted day in and day out, when we sit back and think about what we might change, we probably wouldn't change a whole heck of a lot of it, would we? We don't want to miss a game, in the event there may be a big moment our kids were a part of. We don't want anyone else to be the one at the doctor's office, as let's face it, our spouse will likely miss a lot of details that we feel are vital (just me?!) And frankly, when our kids are upset, we want to be the one they look to in order to make everything all better.
Which brings me to my topic: everything and everyday seems like it's for our families...don’t make family pictures just about them!
During the fall when I was shooting a lot of family sessions, a great majority of moms asked me to 'get a couple shots of the kids'. I had to twist many of their arms to encourage them be in the pictures too!
Ask yourself these questions: Why are you having photos taken? When was the last time that you were in the pictures interacting with your kids? One of the beautiful things about photographs is that it preserves that moment in time so that our kids and grandkids can look at them long after we've been gone.
We work so hard and we’re tired. It’s so easy to put something like family photos off until next year, but the fact is that for most of us, things just keep getting busier, don’t they? Next year will be just as hectic. I urge you to prioritize yourself and take the time to have your family photos taken with you in them. Because years from now, when your kids are looking back at the images from their childhood, they want to see you in those photos with them. Seeing you in those images reminds them that you were always there, and I assure you, that's who they're looking to see when they're looking back.
PS: Mother’s Day is just a month away! How about a different kind of gift this year? Hint to them that you’d love a family photography session. What better way to celebrate you than with a customized session with the people you love most in this world? Gift certificates are now available!